Take the time to get to know our beautiful kings and queens below. Questions abut a particular cat? Please reach out!

Gender: Male
Colour: Silver & Black Classic Tabby With White
Abraxas is the goofiest of the family, the most affectionate, and most loyal to his humans. He loves playing fetch with his humans and his feline family. Abraxas has the loudest personality and doesn’t fuss during grooming or bath time. He’s a chirper when he communicates with you.

Gender: Female
Colour: Silver & Black Classic Tabby
Aurora is very affectionate. She likes to reserve and cherish her playtime, waiting until she can enjoy the interaction one-on-one with her owner.

Gender: Female
Colour: Classic Tabby With White
Cybella is a cuddle lover. She enjoys engulfing herself in sweaters and clothing. She will purr continuously the moment she finds a lap, and will not leave until she must.

Gender: Female
Colour: Smoke Black
Gentle soul and cautious nature. loves to play hard, and has proven to be an attentive, affectionate, and playful mom to her litter. During her Queening phase she ensured to be extra attentive with the last and smallest kitten by pulling it aside and feeding it separately, as well as cuddling this baby to ensure warmth. This particular male kitten is thriving and has caught right up to his other 3 brothers. One word to describe Eclipses is “wow”